By Nicole Babich
Water cascades down
Beating hard against the rocks
Foaming at the base
Flowing steady with the stream
Preparing for the next plunge
"I have been writing stories since second grade. Every once in awhile a poem comes dashing out. I adore writing and one day I hope it will be more than just a hobby. I'm in my second semester of college and to help keep the dream alive I'm taking Creative Writing. Most of my poems are homework assignments, but I always try to keep it creative."
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"Early March"
By Julia Cohen
Listless coffee sips
Shock-wave flash, wing-beats through glass
Darting chickadee
"This haiku was inspired by a fleeting, yet transformative moment when an ordinary winter afternoon became extraordinary simply because I noticed the precious, overlooked beauty that exists everywhere."
Nicolet College acknowledges and appreciates the transformative nature of poetry. This project honors National Poetry Month's goal of highlighting the pleasure of reading poetry. For each day throughout the month of April, Nicolet students, staff, and community members who reside within the Nicolet College district are invited to submit an original poem.
Guidelines: (1) Include your name, the title of your original poem, and a brief comment about yourself; (2) Poems may be in any language (please include an English translation); (3) Poems may not violate Nicolet's Social Media Guidelines; (4) Original poems may be submitted anonymously; (5) Submit poems to Ocie Kilgus (okilgus@nicoletcollege.edu). Students who submit original poems are eligible for the Best Original Poem contest. The student with the best poem will be awarded the Ron Parkinson Poetry Matters Student Scholarship Award in the amount of $300. The community member with the best poem will receive dinner for two at Church Street Inn, Hazelhurst. Upon the closing of the Poetry Project, a faculty committee will select the winning poems. The winners of the contest will be recognized at Nicolet College's Award Ceremonies on May 10.