"Thoughts from a Senior"
Kate Mendham
Kate Mendham
The walls keep creeping in
Something new everywhere I look
Be this, do that, go here
It feels as if my head is on a coaster
Who do I listen to?
Who’s actually right?
Where do I belong?
Why aren’t these answers laid out for me?
Stay in the moment
Absorb everything coming your way
Make sure your eyes are focused on the future
But don’t have them too locked in
Everyone says what an exciting time this is
The only feeling I have right now is overwhelmed
I’m not sure what’s even me
But don’t worry, it’s great preparation for your future
Finality coming around every corner
No way to escape
Even when you don’t want it to end
There’s no way to stop time
The ultimate force
Just wait for another door to open
Even if you feel you’ve been waiting for eternity
It’s scary when theres a blank space in front of you
No affirmation of your success
Only your faint fears of failure
When you don’t know what’s in front of you
It’s hard to make sure you’re on the right track
Be versatile, but know your boundaries
Know your goal, don’t waver, but be flexible
Time demands that out of you
It doesn’t slow down for anyone
Watching you like a night hawk watching its prey
So many emotions hit you at once
Being a senior will change you
But maybe it was time
Maybe we all needed a change
Something new everywhere I look
Be this, do that, go here
It feels as if my head is on a coaster
Who do I listen to?
Who’s actually right?
Where do I belong?
Why aren’t these answers laid out for me?
Stay in the moment
Absorb everything coming your way
Make sure your eyes are focused on the future
But don’t have them too locked in
Everyone says what an exciting time this is
The only feeling I have right now is overwhelmed
I’m not sure what’s even me
But don’t worry, it’s great preparation for your future
Finality coming around every corner
No way to escape
Even when you don’t want it to end
There’s no way to stop time
The ultimate force
Just wait for another door to open
Even if you feel you’ve been waiting for eternity
It’s scary when theres a blank space in front of you
No affirmation of your success
Only your faint fears of failure
When you don’t know what’s in front of you
It’s hard to make sure you’re on the right track
Be versatile, but know your boundaries
Know your goal, don’t waver, but be flexible
Time demands that out of you
It doesn’t slow down for anyone
Watching you like a night hawk watching its prey
So many emotions hit you at once
Being a senior will change you
But maybe it was time
Maybe we all needed a change
“I am a high school senior from Northland Pines and this poem is expressing my many thoughts that go through my head every day. Being a senior is the first step onto the unknown territory in the future and I thought writing about my current experiences would be the most meaningful to myself and people going through the same period in their lives that I am.”
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“A Hallmark Moment”
By Rich Ruffalo
Little children skating on the pond.
Glistening snow for miles beyond.
Little dogs barking at their heels,
and venders pushing carts on wheels.
That's the scene i see from my window,
as I sit by the fire and hear the wind blow.
The beauty of winter can truly be seen,
where once was water and everything green.
But time will make its measured dent,
and soon, I'll wonder where winter went.
[Rich Ruffalo also submitted a poem on April 10.]