
Guidelines: (1) Include your name, the title of your original poem, and a brief comment about yourself; (2) Poems may be in any language (please include an English translation); (3) Poems may not violate Nicolet's Social Media Guidelines; (4) Original poems may be submitted anonymously; (5) Submit poems to Ocie Kilgus ( Students who submit original poems are eligible for the Best Original Poem contest. The student with the best poem will be awarded the Ron Parkinson Poetry Matters Student Scholarship Award in the amount of $300. The community member with the best poem will receive dinner for two at Church Street Inn, Hazelhurst. Upon the closing of the Poetry Project, a faculty committee will select the winning poems. The winners of the contest will be recognized at Nicolet College's Award Ceremonies on May 10.

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

“Oda al Queso”
By Lindsay Schoff

Es mi favorito de todo
Sabe bien con todo
Es salado y dulce
Todo a la vez
Viene de las vacas
Que viven en los campos
Y que comen el césped
Que crece del sol
Ordeñamos las vacas
Y convertimos la leche al queso
Delicioso queso.
En Wisconsin
Nos encanta nuestro queso
Ningún otro estado
Hace queso como nosotros
El queso es bueno con verduras,
Con carne, con sopa,
Con huevos y ensalada,
Con papas
Caliente o
Es bueno con todo
Me encanta el queso
Y tú deberías también.


“Ode to Cheese”
By Lindsay Schoff

Is my favorite of all
It tastes good with everything
It is salty and sweet
All at once
It comes from the cows
Who live in the fields
And who eat the grass
That grows from the sun
We take the milk from the cows
And turn it into cheese
Delicious cheese.
In Wisconsin
We love our cheese
No other state
Has cheese like ours
Cheese is good with vegetables,
With meat, with soup,
With eggs and salad,
With potatoes,
Hot or
It is good with everything 
I love cheese
And you should too! 

“I am in the University Transfer program and am taking Spanish II this semester. We live in Wisconsin, so this poem seemed appropriate.”

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"Circumstances of Birth"
jeff anderson

Hey kid,
I’ve a question for you
Focus for a bit, focus
Don’t just jump from channel to channel
You can build towers high high high later
Stop pushing that toy that plays Funky Town
God how I’m tired of this funky town

Boy, I’ve still got that question for you
A question not as simple as black or white
Sometimes less clear than mixed
Little man, who are you?

Take your time but focus, please focus.
Answer me in a few years
Then again in grade school, high school, college
When you go for job interviews
When you deal with police, when you talk over the fence with neighbors
‘Cause the answer might change given circumstances
Circumstances and motivation
Circumstances, motivation, and racism
Circumstances, motivation, racism, and environment

Answer me this question one last time when you stand at my grave
Who are you?
Probably fathering little sons and daughters of a later age
They will hear you ask this question of a stone
Thinking, what a stupid question
We know who we are in any circumstance.
We can be anything.
By the way, what is racism?
And this environment is just fine.

Then explain to those children
Your children and grandchildren
Tell them all about this time you came from
And the time before that
I’ve already told you about the what, when, why, and where of me
And the time before before
That none of us really knows

Then ask your children, your grandchildren,
My great grandchildren and great great-grandchildren
Who are you?
I hope their answers make you proud
As proud as one can be
Once these questions are answered
After living their circumstances of birth.

Learn from them as they learn from me - through you,
‘Cause I can only give the circumstances
Not the life they make of it.
Not for long at least.

“I often have conversations with my grandkids – whether they are present or not.  I look forward to them reading this poem someday – whether I am there or not.”