By Amelia Weber
When your hands first touched me
they felt like flower petals against my skin.
Soft, loving, caring.
I felt truly beautiful.
When your hands last touched me the flowers were dead.
For months, I tried to water them, but the petals were gone.
I can still remember all the times that I was hurt by you.
For two years I was hanging by a thread hoping things would change.
I feel empty and tired of fighting.
You lit fire in my mind, burning the garden that's grows in me,
and now I'm drowning in my thoughts trying to forget.
It's been months now since I've heard you say my name.
I've never been more happy.
I am a garden.
I am a garden full of beautiful flowers of all beautiful colors.
I am strong.
I am strong enough to be alone.
* * * * * * * * * *
By Tracy Dailey
How are you? –Doesn’t fit & I’m so sorry! –Won’t do
When someone you love is taken from you
How awkward the feeling telling how much we care
No words can quite say this, but know that we’re there
Is there anything you need, can I help out -We ask
We’d be happy to help with any type of task
We just want to ease the emotional drain
And somehow to help take away your pain
They say time will heal –That life must go on
But how can that happen without “him” around
When he found out there just wasn’t a cure
He said his good-byes, and he didn’t show fear
He didn’t think of himself, he thought only of others
His family and friends, sister and brothers
“Take care of Mom, and each other” he said
While he laid there so brave in that hospital bed
What lessons he taught us – What examples he’d shown
In the midst of that room full – When he was called home
But you are as strong as the one we love so
We just wanted to help, but only God would know…
That you’d be there for us, in your darkest hour
Holding us too, like a vase holds a flower
We know we can count on support from each other
Until the day that we’re with your husband… my father